We are...

a community of growers and florists, dedicated to flower the nation. From seed, to stem, to bouquet. We connect growers with florists, and florists with you.

Together with our community, we ensure that the flowers you see are made by skilful local florists. Because the best flowers are arranged with love, not in a factory.

Flowers make people happy. Florists make flowers exceptional.

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Our Goals

Make local floral design accessible online.

True skill can be found around the corner, as long as you know where to look. We’re your online window for the local florists in your area.

Celebrate uniqueness and diversity in design.

Independent florists are a beautiful gift to the world because they create uniquely designed bouquets unique to their skill and personal touch.

Better value for money.

Because we are a redirection website we can ensure that all of the revenue goes to the florist. You might wonder how this benefits you? Because we do not take a cut, 100% of your money goes into your order.

Open, honest trading. From farm to florist.

Florismart is involved in every part of the flower’s journey. From seed, to stem, to bouquet. We connect growers with florists and florists with you.

Our history

Florists are at the heart of everything we do. Founded by florists, Florismart exists because we want floristry to thrive. Why? Because we believe flowers make people happy, and florists have the skill to make flowers exceptional. And isn’t that just what you want your gift to be?

Our community

"Florismart has helped me grow my business and given me the opportunity to make loads of flowery friends and given us the platform to help, support and strive together."

Helensburgh Flowers


“I love being an Independent florist. But now being part of a larger community because of Florismart is amazing. #thinkflowersthinkflorist”

Flowers by Donna Cornish


Why use Florismart

With us you will find your favourite bouquet, handmade and delivered by your local florist. Knowing that your flowers are fresh and 100% of the revenue goes to the florist.