The Blooming British
Want to start buying British asap but don’t know where to start? To help you find a florist near you that stocks and sells British Flowers, we have listed every florist that wanted to be found. Enter your town to find your local source of British Blooms.
Win a year’s worth of free British flower bouquets
(Competition Closed) You have a chance at winning a year’s worth of free British flower bouquets (1 bouquet for each month). The only thing you have to do is enter your email address. The winner will be announced mid-September.
Let’s start a British Flower Movement
In the summer of 2018, Florismart and Jonathan Moseley toured the country, visiting RHS-shows to promote British flowers.
Our mission is simple: to make British flowers more accessible to you. Because British Blooms are too good to miss out on. By supporting local business, British growers and florists will flourish. We aim to have every living room in the UK filled with British Blooms.
On this page, you can find a florist near you that stocks British, consult the British seasonal calendar, or learn more about local growers.
Follow the rest of our journey on Instagram
Seasonal Calendar
British Growers
Meet the men and women behind British Blooms. These people tend the fields, spade the soil and sow the seeds throughout the UK every day to make sure our flowers bloom.
‘It is possible to have British grown blooms in your homes for each month of the year and I would encourage anyone who loves flowers to support our amazing flower farmers and talented local florists.’ Jonathan Moseley, British Flower Ambassador